Sunday, August 21, 2011

Macie's Golf Tourney

Hey Friends,

Well Macie's golf tournament was last weekend, August 13th, and it was awesome! It was so wonderful to see all of the love and support and we raised $12,000 to be donated to SIDS in Macie's name. Overall I would call that an extremely successful event!! It was a lot of fun too! It would not have been possible without all of Chris' hard work and dedication, he is amazing!

When Macie first passed away we were told "Don't let this be wasted pain" well we took it to heart and are trying to do positive things in light of our horrible situation. Spring for SIDS was successful too thanks to all of you! Slowly, but surely we are helping spread the knowledge of SIDS and raising funds to help other families and research! I hope Chris and I can be there when they announce that they have found the source and it can be preventable...however until that day we will continue to do this!

Below are a lot of pictures from the golf tournament. Enjoy!! =)

 Chris thanking everyone for coming!
Registration Table 

The Golfers Getting Ready to Start! 
 The Banner listing all of our amazing Sponsors!

 Look at all of the people & support!!

 Some of the prizes!

 Hugging my Dad :)
Go to this Link:!/thetravelingfundraiser, read the info and then 'Like' the page. Please & Thank you!
 Some of the amazing volunteers we had!

 My sister-in-law Liz, My sister-in-law Molly & Michelle working the registration table with me :)
 My Brother :)

 The winning CoEd 4 Some! Denny & Kathy Dawson, Brett Mieras & Mike Larsen
The sign outside of the golf course :)
 All of the golfers and my Mother-in-Law, Lori with Tony
 Mike, Tony & Holly Hoesing!

Me & My Parents (Greg & Mona)

Take Care Friends!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Hey Friends,

I have said it before, but I will say it again. Grief is an unpredictable roller coaster (to say the least!). The days that I think should be hard aren't as hard as I make them out to be in my head  and the days that I'm not prepared I get hit like a ton of bricks!

Saturday we had a company get together for Chris' work and I never thought this would bother me, but the thought of going to a family function just hurt. We are not longer a complete family, It was 2 then 3 and now back to 2 and it kills me :(.... I believe thinking about this caused the break-down. Let me elaborate... I woke up Saturday morning got some things done around the house and then went into Macie's room and just sat and stared at everything. Macie was suppose to get her 4 month pictures taken the day she passed away and her clothes were still in the bag in her drawer unopened and untouched. I decided to lay each outfit out on the bed with the headband just like I had done the night before she passed away. I still remember doing this. I had propped her on the bed and was asking her if she liked the outfits I had picked and I showed her each one while she cooed at me and kicked her feet and smiled. When I was laying each outfit out on the bed the sadness was unbearable and I lost it. I cried for a long time and just kept saying, "Why" in my head and out loud for a long time. Then I noticed my phone was ringing and it was my brother. I quickly pulled myself together and answered. He had me laughing within the first 10 seconds. I had planned on bawling my eyes out to him for the umteenmillionth time, but I'm glad he had me laughing. I don't know how he does it, but he always manages to call or text at the right time. Maybe there is such a thing as a sibling connection like a twin connection. I have no idea?!?!

Saturday morning while I was having my break-down I kept listening to the song that we had chosen for Macie's funeral. It says "when everything is felt, let them be held." It is below if you would like to listen to it.

Take Care,

Friday, August 5, 2011

Baby Shower

Hey Friends,

A year ago this Sunday was my baby shower hosted by Jenny and Crystal. Jenny never made it to my baby shower obviously, but I still have the invitation she designed on the side of my refrigerator and I frequently look at it and think back to all of our conversations about Macie and the baby shower. I can still hear her voice in my head and I remember the excitement in her voice over her idea of having everyone bring a book for Macie and writing a note on the inside cover (best idea ever for anyone planning a baby shower, fyi). A few times I have sat down and read through the front cover of all of her books to see what people wrote to her and sometimes I just look at the books to see what books people chose for her. Even though she was so little I still read to her a lot. My favorite book to read to her has a saying that means more to me now than ever, “Forever and Always my Baby you’ll be.” Oh I miss my sweet baby girl and I can’t wait for the day that we are reunited in Heaven. Knowing that someday I will get to see her again is the only thing that really keeps me going to be honest. Without that belief I don’t know how I would make it through or wake up every day.

We have a pretty relaxed weekend planned which will be nice because next weekend will be busy and great with the 1st Annual Macie Elizabeth Golf Tournament ( I cannot wait for next Saturday! I’m so excited I’m like a kid in a candy store! Seeing everyone come out to show their support for our beautiful daughter will most likely bring tears to my eyes more than one time throughout the day (forewarning!). It’ll be such a great event!!!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Take Care,

**Team M Update**

Hey Friends,

I realized when I was reading through these things that I haven't shared them with all of you!

Spring-for-SIDS Newsletter (Team M featured on Page 6)

Spring for SIDS Awards (Team M Received: Club Silver, Chairman's Club & Online Champs)
**THANK YOU EVERYONE!! We couldn't have done this without all of you! =)

Spring for SIDS Memorial List (They are in alphabetical order)
**Team M is for: Macie Barton & Madison Staats

Take Care,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Brett + Molly Wedding Photos!!

Here is a link to the blog of Brett and Molly’s wedding photos. They are gorgeous! And please leave a comment. They need 50 comments within the first 24 hours. Thank you Everyone!!

Take Care,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July 23rd + 25th

Hey Friends,

Well Brett & Molly are now Mr. + Mrs. and it was a blast! Their wedding was gorgeous!! Below are a few pictures for you to enjoy. =)

P.S. Make sure to check back tomorrow...their photographer is going to put a blog post up and then you can see the really good photos and make sure you leave a comment within the first 24 hours (it is very important!). Thank you SO much in advance!! =)

Here are the pictures:
Molly, Brett, Me & Chris at the Rehearsal
Mr. + Mrs. Mieras 
Dad, Mom, Brett, Molly, Me, Chris & Grandma 
Me & Brett 
 Molly & Brett
 The Wedding Party (sorry too many to name!)

Sunday morning reality struck and I knew the day I had been dreading was fast approaching. Monday. July 25th. I'm not a fan of this day. I did survive Monday and it was a rough day to say the least. When I woke up I started watching the clock and reliving that horrible day in January...this is something I try SO hard not to do, but sometimes it gets the best of me. When I was picking up flowers to put on Macie's grave Jenny popped in my head and with it being the 1 year anniversary of her passing Chris and I decided to get Jenny some pretty yellow flowers to put on her niche. I can't believe she has been gone for a year.

But just like every day for the past 6 months I keep surviving. Don't ask me how because honestly I'm not sure most of the time, but I keep waking up and putting one foot in front of the other because forward is the only option there is.

Take Care Everyone!